Final Edits–My Book is Almost Done!

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I’m so excited!!! The first few chapters of my book are completely done and I’ve finished editing and printed them out for the first time!!! Now that I know what the editing process is like, I hope I can make it go faster and polish the rest of the story more quickly with fewer problems and get it to you sooner!

Other great news is that I finished my idea for my cover, and soon I will send it to a professional artist to create the front of my book!

I can’t believe I’m already this close to publishing! My cover idea and the first few chapters of my book are completely done and ready. Although there is a lot to still do, I am surprised at how far I’ve come already!

One of the hardest parts about writing is making sure everything is in there. As the author, I have the entire story in my head and know exactly every detail, even the ones Readers might skip over. When my editor asks a question, I already know the answer, but it is hard to fit it into the story because it is already finished, in my mind, anyway.

Another tricky thing for me is adding enough description during conversations. When two characters are talking, it’s difficult to add background information, like whether the two are walking, whether one of them tucks a curl of hair behind an ear, or if it starts raining when one of them gives the other bad news. (Seriously, it always starts raining whenever something bad happens.) One of the things I’ve learned so far is that if it doesn’t pertain to the story, or it isn’t character-building, it’s out. You can write your conversations more than a thousand times over, and only one will be the correct one to continue your novel.

Lastly, focus can be tricky too. When you’re writing a BIG’ scene, such as the climax of your book, or the ending scene, it can be hard to focus on what’s important. Though this may not always be a problem, if two of your main characters are fighting, and suddenly, another character from the background finishes the battle, it can be confusing and not mesh with the story as well as if you had added that in earlier.

I can’t wait for you to see my novel when it comes out. For updates, subscribe to my email list and comment below!

Stay magical,

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Hi, I'm Nixi Ray

Hello, everyone! My name is Nixi Ray and I love writing and reading books! My favorite genre is fantasy, although I enjoy historical fiction and mysteries too! While I currently don't have any books published, I'm working on my first series. Stay posted for upcoming books!

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