This is the long-anticipated 9th book of the KOTLC series. If you are unfamiliar with the book, the story is of a girl named Sophie Foster learning she is an elf and has special abilities. She comes to the Lost Elven Cities and learns she is the experiment of a hidden organization–the Black Swan. Before long, she’s fighting rebel elves and trying to stop the rebels before they take over the Lost Cities and destroy the humans.
The Neverseen, the elven rebels that are working to destroy human civilizations and take the cities back for themselves, has grown far too large. It’s up to Sophie and the Black Swan to stop them before they burn down everything the elves have worked for. In Stellarlune, Sophie and her closest friends have to stop the Neverseen and their mysterious plans before it grows too late.
Sophie’s world is a mess at the moment. All of her friends are still deciding whether to trust her or not because she finally decided to strike back against the Neverseen. Sophie’s only lead to them is Keefe, one of her friends who ran away to the human cities because he was scared of hurting other people and endangering his friends. All Sophie can do is wait in the Lost Cities and try to stall the Neverseen’s plans.
The only clue they have as to what the Neverseen’s plan is is a mysterious Elysian. Stellarlune is the thrilling next-to-last book where Sophie and everyone around her is frantically scrambling to keep themselves and their world safe from the rebels. Join me in the suspense as we read Stellarlune and the other KOTLC novels.
I can’t say much more, otherwise, I’ll spoil the entire series! All I can tell you is that this book and all of the other ones in the series are amazing! If you like fantasy and Sci-Fi, this is definitely a book for you! Shannon Messenger spins an epic tale of humor, anticipation, and romance.
My rating on this book would be a 4.7-star review. Some of the scenes dragged on way too long, and the books overall are tricky to understand unless you reread them after the first time. However, the plot is very thrilling, and there’s a way Shannon Messenger pulls you into her books that seems almost like magic!
This book has been confirmed that Disney is making a movie of it sometime in the future. I believe that the movie of this specific book will be PG, however, other books in the series could be PG-13, for action scenes against the Neverseen. I’m super excited for KOTLC the movie to come out! I really hope it will be as amazing as the book! You can bet I’ll be at the movie theater as soon as it comes out!
Have you read this book? Tell me what you think!
Stay Magical,

P.S. Team Fitz or Team Keefe?